

Enrollment Process


Apply to confirm address, ISD schools and eligibility. NestQuest staff will schedule to tour your property to determine if the rental will be a good fit for the program.


Potential residents will be directed to view your property and tours will be scheduled during a prearranged time.


When a prospective tenant has indicated that they would like to move in. NestQuest staff will schedule the inspection.


Once the unit has passed inspection, the tenant will move into your property and start their lease!

Property Eligibility

In order to qualify for the program, each unit must be in great condition and zoned to an “A” or “B” ranked school according to the Texas School Guide. If you are not sure of the school your property is zoned to NestQuest can help to determine this with you. Each landlord must also agree to the following: 

  •  If the unit fails the inspection, then the landlord is responsible for making any changes that will enable the unit to pass inspection

  • Disregard any history of financial evictions or low credit score when screening prospective tenants. Behavioral evictions and criminal background checks can be included in the screening process.

  • Communicate directly with NestQuest staff about any maintenance issues and lease terms. NestQuest staff in turn communicates any necessary information to the tenants.

  • NestQuest do not currently operate with Single Family Homes.

Benefits & Guarantees

Your lease throughout participation in our program will be with NestQuest. For every lease agreement NestQuest signs, we guarantee:

  • On time rent payment each month

  • Quarterly property inspections to ensure your unit is in good condition

  • Continued rent payment for the entire length of the lease, even if the tenant needs to vacate for any reason

  • Coverage of any repairs required (beyond normal wear and tear) that exceed the deposit.

  • NestQuest manages all liaison and communication.

Landlords that partner with NestQuest are the reason we are able to offer low income families the opportunity to live in better neighborhoods. Our program would not be possible without the support of property owners like you!

Below are some general guidelines about our program eligibility. We welcome any inquiries about if your property is a good fit for the program. You can Contact Us via our website, or email us at [email protected] and we will respond to you by the next business day.

1907 Sabine Street, Suite #166, Houston, Texas 77007

NestQuest Houston Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization changing the future of Houston’s children.